Summer can be a difficult season for dogs, especially when it comes to skincare for your pet. With the heat and humidity that summer often brings, having all that extra...
Let’s face it…long-haired dogs are downright gorgeous! Unfortunately, long-haired dogs are a bit more work when it comes to grooming. With all the beauty and fluff that comes with long-haired...
If you could somehow take a poll of your every-day dog, and ask them what they think about bath time, they’d likely call it cruel and unusual punishment. The extremists...
If you’ve ever tried to bathe a dog that’s scared of water, then you’ll understand how exasperating an experience it can be. Obviously, you’d never let any harm come to...
Washing your pup at home can be a fun bonding experience for you and your dog. However, it can quickly turn into a mess if your pup hates bath times...
If you were to poll dogs and their owners about their collective thoughts on bath time, both would probably agree that they’d rather skip it. Unfortunately for them, periodic baths...
Thinking of adopting a new pet? Congratulations! Deciding which species is the right fit for you is an exciting process, along with picking out new pet beds, habitats or collars....
There are quite a few ways that your beloved pooch can get hurt, especially when it comes to skin injuries and irritations. From minor cuts and burns, to scrapes and...
Does your dog seem irritable? Does he or she spend a lot of time scratching and itching? Have you noticed a foul odor coming from his or her skin? If...